Das Zifferblatt der Stiftanker-Taschenuhr hat arabische Ziffern, Minutenstriche, außen in Rot in 5er Schritten 5 bis 60, kleine Sekunde über der Sechs. Auf der Platine sind die Patente der Firma eingraviert: "Robt.H.-Ingersoll & Bro New York Patentet 1.04.06-4.6.07-29.6.09-24.5.10-12.12.12-2.7.18". Im Deckel befindet sich der Garantieschein: "This Yankee watch is guaranteed ro keep good time for one year and if without misuse it fails to do so will be repaired by us free (main springs and cleaning excepted) or (at our option) exchanged for a new one at a charge. Wrap carefuly, enclose 10 c booking packing postage and insurance. Put your name and adress on package Robt. H. Ingeresoll & Bro. Makers New York City Chicago San Francisco After first year or if watch has been misused return it to us and we willinform you what repair will cost. This watch is exchangeable only during first year".